The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004 Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

The Venus Transit 2004

... Photos (21-30)

On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive, photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day".

All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.

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Venus and the Sun [Montage]

Venus and the Sun [Montage]

[504 x 297 pix - 11k]

Hans-Göran Lindberg
Newton 254 195/2602mm
Mintron MS-168EP
MV-1 Filter
[Preparing for transit observations]
August 20, 2003 - UT 10:20 [Sun image]
Kärrbo Observatory
Skultuna, Sweden
More images at this site

Venus and the Moon [Montage]

Venus and the Moon [Montage]

[443 x 293 pix - 6k]

Hans-Göran Lindberg
Newton 120/1301mm
Mintron MS-168EP
April 24, 2004 - in the evening
Kärrbo Observatory
Skultuna, Sweden
More images at this site

The Active Sun

The Active Sun

[600 x 375 pix - 38k]

Jack Tench
Neatherd High School Astronomy Club
With H-alpha filter [Hydrogen image]
[Preparing for transit observations]
April 20, 2004
Dereham, United Kingdom
More images at this site

Phases of Venus

Phases of Venus

[565 x 255 pix - 10k]

Mike Cripps
Neatherd High School Astronomy Club
Orion ED 80mm Apo-Refractor + Philips Webcam
[Three images showing the phase change as Venus approaches us in its orbit]
March 13, April 11 and 22, 2004
Dereham, United Kingdom
More images at this site

Venus and the Moon

Venus and the Moon

[1280 x 960 pix - 419k]

Marcel Schneider
Yakuma camera
F5.5 - f=18.64 mm
[Seen through the meteor radio antenna]
April 24, 2004, in the evening
Schifflange, G.D. Luxembourg

Venus and the Moon

Venus and the Moon

[676 x 507 pix - 59k]

Robert Wielinga
Nikon Coolpix 880 digital camera
100 ASA; f/4.2; f=20mm; 2 sec
[Above the old dome of the Sonnenborgh Observatory]
February 23, 2004, 17:55 UT
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Venus and the Moon above Sydney

Venus and the Moon above Sydney

[978 x 665 pix - 492k]

Laszlo Kiss
Canon Powershot A70
50 ASA
[Above the Sydney Opera House]
April 24, 2004, ~8:15 UT
Sydney, Australia

Venus and the Moon above Sydney

Venus and the Moon above Sydney

[902 x 680 pix - 300k]

Laszlo Kiss
Canon Powershot A70
50 ASA
[Above the Sydney Harbour Bridge]
April 24, 2004, ~8:15 UT
Sydney, Australia

Venus and the Pleiades

Venus and the Pleiades

[741 x 565 pix - 51k]

Vladimir Lozanov
11 x 70 Binoculars
Canon Powershot A70
F/2.8 - f=5.4mm - 3x4 sec
[Three-image composite] April 4, 2004, 20:09 UT
Sofia, Bulgaria

Venus' Crescent

Venus' Crescent

[620 x 453 pix - 10k]
[With text - 620 x 453 pix - 10k]

Robert Wielinga
200/1600mm refractor
351 webcam images stacked
[Left: colours caused by atmospheric refraction; Right: corrected]
April 26, 2004, 19:38 UT
Utrecht, The Netherlands

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last modified: 2004/12/28
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