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Venus Transit
[800 x 600 pix
- 154k]
Dmitrios Kolovos
Celestron-11 SCT with Baader Astro-Solar filter
Sony F-717 still digital camera
June 8, 2004
Athens, Greece
Venus Transit - First and Second Contact
[800 x 600 pix
- 264k]
Dmitrios Kolovos
Celestron-11 SCT with Baader Astro-Solar filter
Sony F-717 still digital camera
1/1000 sec exposure; ASA 100
June 8, 2004
Athens, Greece
Venus Transit - Third and Fourth Contact
[800 x 600 pix
- 172k]
Dmitrios Kolovos
Celestron-11 SCT with Baader Astro-Solar filter
Sony F-717 still digital camera
1/1000 sec exposure; ASA 100
June 8, 2004
Athens, Greece
Triumph of Optimism!
[800 x 600 pix
- 16k]
Roger Comish ["The enclosed picture is a triumph of
optimisim over technology. I had a telescope set up to catch the
transit but things went very wrong and I got no images. In order to
try and catch some kind of memento of the day I used the only things
we had to hand, an autofocus 3 mega-pixel pocket camera and a piece of
welders glass No.14 simply placed over the front. I'm amazed it
caught anything. I will treasure it for ever. But its probably the
worst picture of the event ever!"]
[Insert by VT-2004 team: enlargment of solar disc with Venus'
shadow visible to the lower left!]
June 8, 2004
Third Contact - Animation
[Animated GIF -
430 x 428 pix
- 1020k]
VT-2004 Team
Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers
Observatory Rimavska Subota
160/2450mm refractor
Logitech Quickcam Pro4000 with 2x teleconverter
CCD camera SHT
Combination of 9 exposures, each 0.035 sec
June 8, 2004, mid time 11:06 UT
Rimavska Subota, Slovakia
Venus Transit
[400 x 400 pix
- k]
Antoni Winiarski
30mm fieldglass f=120mm
More images at this
June 8, 2004
Katowice, Poland
Venus Transit
[1280 x 960 pix
- 157k]
Antonio Manuel Alves Morais and Students
Externato Delfim Ferreira
9.25-inch Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope
Digital camera
June 8, 2004
Riba D'Ave, Portugal
Venus' Path Across the Solar Disc
[1024 x 1024 pix
- 777k]
Giovanni Paglioli
Centro Astronomico Neil Armstrong (Salerno)
Borg 125mm APO refractor with Astrosolar filter
Nikon digital camera
June 8, 2004
Toppo di Castelgrande, Italy
Venus at the Border
[400 x 360 pix
- 5k]
Kirati Kumkongyou
Thailand network
10-inch LX 200 GPS
Quick Cam Pro 4000
More images at this
June 8, 2004
Phitsanulok, Thailand
Venus Transit with Clouds
[1600 x 1200 pix
- 83k]
Eugen Balan
Bucharest Astroclub
130mm Newtonian telescope f/5; 20mm eyepiece
Canon Powershot A60 digital camera
1/20 sec exposure at ISO 100
More images at this
June 8, 2004, 05:37:22 UT
Ciorogarla, Romania
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