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Venus Transit (Composite)
[900 x 823 pix
- 197k]
Domenico Licchelli
Osservatorio del Fiorini
Apo 75mm f/6.7 with 3 x Barlow
TouCam Pro
Exposure 1/250 and 1/1500 sec
[Very poor seeing]
May 20, 2004, 05:34:06 - 11:12:06 UT
Lecce, Italy
"Venus by Candlelight"
[1800 x 1500 pix
- 375k]
Dennis van Schelven
Tal2M 6-inch 1200mm Newtonian reflector
Baader Astrofoil filter
Sony DSC-P52 (eyepiece projection)
["One of my failed pictures, still a nice one though!"]
June 8, 2004, 09:58:00 UT
Spijkenisse, The Netherlands
Venus and Photospheric Granules
[1000 x 743 - 103k ]
Ralph Vandebergh
6-inch refractor
Sony TRV740E HI-8
[Composite of 76 frames]
June 8, 2004, 06:51:49 UT
The Netherlands
Venus and Photospheric Granules (Detail)
[750 x 413 - 84k ]
Ralph Vandebergh
6-inch refractor
Sony TRV740E HI-8
[Composite of 76 frames]
June 8, 2004, 06:51:49 UT
The Netherlands
Venus Transit
[657 x 480 - 125k ]
Liu Zhen Zhong
Guangdong Astronomical Society
Sony DSC-F717
June 8, 2004
Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R. China
[See images of the event here.]
Venus Transit
[657 x 480 - 125k ]
Pan Xiao Qing
Fujian Astronomical Society
June 8, 2004
Fuzhou, Fujian, P.R. China
Venus Transit
[1024 x 768 - 104k ]
Lu Chen
Hangzhou High School Class
June 8, 2004
Yingtan, Jiangxi, P.R. China
Venus Close-Up with Granulation
[320 x 240 - 7k ]
Robert Stekelenburg
140/2000mm Orion Optics Maksutov OMC140
Philips ToUCam 740k
[Composite of 100 frames from 10sec video;
processed with Astrostack]
June 8, 2004, 09:26 UT
Enschede, The Netherlands
Venus and Faculae
[320 x 240 - 4k ]
Robert Stekelenburg
140/2000mm Orion Optics Maksutov OMC140
Philips ToUCam 740k
[Composite of 100 frames from 10sec video;
processed with Astrostack]
June 8, 2004, 10:35 UT
Enschede, The Netherlands
Venus with Atmospheric Ring at Third Contact
[320 x 240 - 4k ]
Robert Stekelenburg
140/2000mm Orion Optics Maksutov OMC140
Philips ToUCam 740k
[Composite of 100 frames from 10sec video;
processed with Astrostack]
June 8, 2004, 11:08 UT
Enschede, The Netherlands
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