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Venus' Atmosphere
[1136 x 1512 pix
- 265k]
Ivan Eder
Polaris Observatory
13-cm TMB APO telescope
Nikon Coolpix 4300 digital camera
June 8, 2004, 11:05:32 UT
Budapest, Hungary
All of the Transit
[590 x 502 pix
- 40k]
Vito Lecci
60mm refractor f/11.6
ToUcam Pro II
Exposure 1/250 sec
More images at this
June 8, 2004, 05:30 - 11:13 UT
Salve (LE), Italy
Venus After Second Contact
[641 x 481 pix
- 30k]
M. Ivanovic and I. Skokic
Astronomy Club Anonymus
135-mm lens
Logitec Messenger webcam
AstroVideo 2.7.2
More images at this
June 8, 2004, 06:07 UT
Valpovo, Croatia
Venus at Third Contact
[641 x 481 pix
- 30k]
D. Gostinski, G. Tomas and I. Skokic
Astronomy Club Anonymus
Meade ETX-90 - f=1250mm
Logitec Messenger webcam
AstroVideo 2.7.2
More images at this
June 8, 2004, 11:02 UT
Valpovo, Croatia
Venus Transit - Third Contact
[800 x 600 pix
- 36k]
André Müller
114-mm Newtonian telescope
Canon Powershot A40 digital camera
More images at this
June 8, 2004
Aachen, Germany
Greetings from the Transit
[600 x 858 pix
- 153 k]
Gerd-Lutz Schott
Weseler Astronomishe AG
Postcard sent to VT-2004 on June 21
Images: Webcam + C8 - Transit from 5:25 to 11:24 UT.
June 8, 2004
Wesel, Germany
Venus after Second Contact
[640 x 480 - 85k]
Lukasz Walec
20cm f/5.7 reflector
Canon EOS 300
June 8, 2004
Rzeszow, Poland
More images at this site
Venus and Mercury Transits Montage
[521 x 449 - 53k]
Hartmut Winkler
Philips ToUcam 740pro
June 8, 2004
Venus at Theseus-Tempel via Camera Obscura Effect
[1024 x 722 - 87k]
Florian Nehonsky
Canon EOS 18mm Fisheye
June 8, 2004
Vienna, Austria
Kuffner Sternwarte Wien
Venus Entry
[1200 x 960 - 112k]
Elio Daniele & Salvo Careri
Refractor Tele Vue NP101 550mm f5.4
Nikon D100, Astrosolar Filter
June 8, 2004
Palermo, Italy
Astronomy Club O.R.S.A.
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