The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004 Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

The Venus Transit 2004

... Photos (311-320)

On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive, photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day".

All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.

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Venus Transit

Venus Transit

[800 x 600 pix - 154k]

Dmitrios Kolovos
Celestron-11 SCT with Baader Astro-Solar filter
Sony F-717 still digital camera
June 8, 2004
Athens, Greece

Venus Transit - First and Second Contact

Venus Transit - First and Second Contact

[800 x 600 pix - 264k]

Dmitrios Kolovos
Celestron-11 SCT with Baader Astro-Solar filter
Sony F-717 still digital camera
1/1000 sec exposure; ASA 100
June 8, 2004
Athens, Greece

Venus Transit - Third and Fourth Contact

Venus Transit - Third and Fourth Contact

[800 x 600 pix - 172k]

Dmitrios Kolovos
Celestron-11 SCT with Baader Astro-Solar filter
Sony F-717 still digital camera
1/1000 sec exposure; ASA 100
June 8, 2004
Athens, Greece

Triumph of Optimism!

Triumph of Optimism!

[800 x 600 pix - 16k]

Roger Comish
["The enclosed picture is a triumph of optimisim over technology. I had a telescope set up to catch the transit but things went very wrong and I got no images. In order to try and catch some kind of memento of the day I used the only things we had to hand, an autofocus 3 mega-pixel pocket camera and a piece of welders glass No.14 simply placed over the front. I'm amazed it caught anything. I will treasure it for ever. But its probably the worst picture of the event ever!"]
[Insert by VT-2004 team: enlargment of solar disc with Venus' shadow visible to the lower left!]
June 8, 2004

Third Contact - Animation

Third Contact - Animation

[Animated GIF - 430 x 428 pix - 1020k]

VT-2004 Team
Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers
Observatory Rimavska Subota
160/2450mm refractor
Logitech Quickcam Pro4000 with 2x teleconverter
CCD camera SHT
Combination of 9 exposures, each 0.035 sec
June 8, 2004, mid time 11:06 UT
Rimavska Subota, Slovakia

Venus Transit

Venus Transit

[400 x 400 pix - k]

Antoni Winiarski
30mm fieldglass f=120mm
More images at this site
June 8, 2004
Katowice, Poland

Venus Transit

Venus Transit

[1280 x 960 pix - 157k]

Antonio Manuel Alves Morais and Students
Externato Delfim Ferreira
9.25-inch Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope
Digital camera
June 8, 2004
Riba D'Ave, Portugal

Venus' Path Across the Solar Disc

Venus' Path Across the Solar Disc

[1024 x 1024 pix - 777k]

Giovanni Paglioli
Centro Astronomico Neil Armstrong (Salerno)
Borg 125mm APO refractor with Astrosolar filter
Nikon digital camera
June 8, 2004
Toppo di Castelgrande, Italy

Venus at the Border

Venus at the Border

[400 x 360 pix - 5k]

Kirati Kumkongyou
Thailand network
10-inch LX 200 GPS
Quick Cam Pro 4000
More images at this site
June 8, 2004
Phitsanulok, Thailand

Venus Transit with Clouds

Venus Transit with Clouds

[1600 x 1200 pix - 83k]

Eugen Balan
Bucharest Astroclub
130mm Newtonian telescope f/5; 20mm eyepiece
Canon Powershot A60 digital camera
1/20 sec exposure at ISO 100
More images at this site
June 8, 2004, 05:37:22 UT

Ciorogarla, Romania

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last modified: 2004/12/29
© ESO Education & Public Relations Department
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