The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004 Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

The Venus Transit 2004

... Photos (301-310)

On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive, photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day".

All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.

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'Ring of Light' in Late Stadium

"Ring of Light" in Late Stadium

[1300 x 440 pix - 76k]

Ralf Vandebergh
6-inch refractor f/8
Sony TRV740 camcorder
June 8, 2004, 11:05 - 11:17 UT
The Netherlands

'Ring of Light' - Sharpest Image

"Ring of Light" - Sharpest Image

[572 x 810 pix - 71k]

Ralf Vandebergh
6-inch refractor f/8
Sony TRV740 camcorder
June 8, 2004, 11:03:40 UT
The Netherlands

First Sightings after Clouds

First Sightings after Clouds

[550 x 187 pix - 60k]

Eric Walker
Highlands Astronomical Society
114-mm reflector with 32-mm Plossl
Nikon Coolpix 5700
June 8, 2004, 10:05:04, 10:05:58, 10:15:35 UT
Culloden Moor near Inverness, Scotland, UK

Black Drop Development

Black Drop Development

[408 x 1006 pix - 173k]

Eric Walker
Highlands Astronomical Society
114-mm reflector with 32-mm Plossl
Nikon Coolpix 5700
June 8, 2004, 11:03:04 - 11:07:11 UT
Culloden Moor near Inverness, Scotland, UK

Venus Transit - Third Contact

Venus Transit - Third Contact

[640 x 480 pix - 17k]

Mike Cripps and Students
Neatherd High School
June 8, 2004, 11:03:47 UT
Netheard, Norfolk, UK

Coloured Venus in Front of the Sun

Coloured Venus in Front of the Sun

[640 x 473 pix - 39k]

Herwig Ronsmans
Mira Observatory
Canon PowerShot G5 digicam
[Red and blue coloured edges around Venus' disc are caused by the wavelength-dependant refraction of light in Earth's atmosphere. This effect can clearly be seen when sky objects are observed close-up at low elevations. Venus' apparent height above the local horizon was 19.2° when this photo was taken.]
June 8, 2004, 05:53:10 UT
Grimbergen, Belgium

Venus at Third Contact

Venus at Third Contact

[460 x 633 pix - 60k]

Peter Zana
200/1390mm Newtonian telescope
Philips ToUcam Pro
June 8, 2004, 11:02:36 UT
Etyek, Hungary

Venus Transit 2004

Venus Transit 2004

[1024 x 855 pix - 727k]

Norbert J. Stapper
Celestron 11 stopped down to 9cm
Mylar filter and 19mm Ultima-eyepiece
Nikon Coolpix 4500
More images at this site
June 8, 2004
Monheim am Rhein, Germany

Venus Traverses the Solar Disc

Venus Traverses the Solar Disc

[640 x 480 pix - 58k]

Mauritz Geyser
With timings
[12 image composite, rough 30 min apart]
More images at this site
June 8, 2004
Pretoria, South Africa

Venus Transit

Venus Transit

[600 x 370 pix - 86k]

Salvo Pluchino
OAIN Observatory
MTO 500 Maksutov f=500mm
Starlight Xpress SX Camera
Sony ICX027B; 0.01 sec
June 8, 2004, 06:34:53.9 UT
Scicli (RG), Italy

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last modified: 2004/12/29
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