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Venus Approaching the "Ring"
[301 x 317 pix
- 23k]
Carsten A. Arnholm
10-inch SC f/6.8
MX916 CCD camera
June 5, 2004, 14:20 UT
Venus Approaching the "Ring"
[513 x 513 pix
- 5k]
Carsten A. Arnholm
Vixen 90mm refractor
Philips ToUcam 740k with Baader IRB filter
June 6, 2004, 07:46 UT
Venus - 240-deg Crescent
[677 x 337 pix
- 166k]
Ivan Majchrovic, Roman Piffl, Miroslav Grnja
and Pavel Rapavy
[members of the VT-2004 observations group of the
Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers]
160/2450mm refractor + 2x Barlow
CCD color camera SHT
Exposure 0.002 sec
[Composite of three frames; Left: Original view; Right: Negative
print to show better the extent of the crescent]
June 6, 2004, 12:43 UT
Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia
Venus Approaching the "Ring"
[649 x 540 pix
- 39k]
Pete Lawrence
VIXEN FL-102s 4-inch refractor; f/9
Canon 10D; ISO 100; 1/350 sec
June 6, 2004, 15:23 UT
Selsey, UK
Venus, the Moon and the Tree
[1024 x 1544 pix
- 161k]
Aymen Ibrahim
Biblioteca Alexandrina
Practica 35 mm camera with Zenith 2/52 mm objective
Fujicolor 1600; 1/30 sec
May 21, 2004
Cairo, Egypt
Venus' Crescent Nearing the "Ring"
[500 x 480 pix
- 139k]
Zsolt Kereszty
Borealis Observatory
14-inch f/10 LX200GPS with 20mm Meade eyepice (projection)
FUJI Finepix S-7000 camera
Exposure 1/1000 sec
June 6, 2004, 15:12 UT
Gyorujbarat, Hungary
Venus Meets the Moon
[640 x 480 pix
- 14k]
Shekhar Phatak and Deepak Joshi
12-inch Newtonian telescope; eyepiece projection
Samson SCD 23
May 21, 2004
Jyotirvidya Parisanstha, Pune, India
ISS passing in front of the Sun
[640 x 480 pix
- 584k]
John Locker
8-inch LX90 + TouCam + solar filter
June 7, 2004, 14:22 UT
More information at this site.
Venus Transit - The Beginning
[512 x 1024 pix
- 22k]
Robert Fosbury
3-inch refractor
Sony DSC-F717
June 8, 2004
Ottobrunn near Munich, Germany
Venus Transit from Denmark and Australia
[Animated GIF
343 x 238 pix - 51k]
Astronomy Group
- Sønderborg and Learmonth Solar
[Comparison of Venus' path across the solar disc, as observed
from Denmark and from Australia. The position shift is due
to the difference of the line-of-sight. The path, as seen from
Australia, is shifted slightly
upwards relative to that seen from Denmark
because of the more southern geographical position of Australia.]
June 8, 2004
Sønderborg, Denmark
Exmouth, NW Australia
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