The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004 Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

The Venus Transit 2004

... Photos (181-190)

On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive, photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day".

All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.

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Venus' Very Slim Crescent

Venus' Very Slim Crescent

[445 x 444 pix - 4k]

Carsten A. Arnholm
Vixen 90mm refractor
Philips ToUcam 740k with Baader IRB filter
June 3, 2004, 18:00 UT

Venus and the Moon

Venus and the Moon

[1120 x 840 pix - 174k]

Heiko Egenolf
Digimax V4
March 23, 2004
Mexican Hat, Utah, USA

The Sun's Chromosphere

The Sun's Chromosphere

[445 x 444 pix - 287k]

Frederick N. Ley and Iakovos N. Stellas
60-mm Coronado Max telescope
Sony Cybershot digital camera
May 31, 2004, 09:22 UT
Athens, Greece

Venus Approaching the Ring Phenomenon

Venus Approaching the Ring Phenomenon

[91 x 122 pix - 5k]

Hans-Göran Lindberg
120-mm refractor f=2000mm
Mintron MS-168EP
MW-1 filter
[It looks as if we will soon see Venus surrounded by a bright ring; this effect happens when Venus is seen nearly from behind and is caused by sunlight dispersed in the uppermost layers of Venus' dense atmosphere]
June 4, 2004, 06:00 UT
Kärrbo Observatory
Skultuna, Sweden
More images at this site

Venus' Slim Crescent

Venus' Slim Crescent

[720 x 576 pix - 58k]

Daniel Crussaire
[Paris Observatory]
4-inch Takahashi fluorite refractor
PixeLINK CMOS 1260x1024/10 bit camera; f/16
Composite of 18 frames; each 0.008 sec
May 28, 2004, 10:40 - 10:45 UT
Meudon, France

Venus Approaching the Ring Phenomenon

Venus Approaching the Ring Phenomenon

[300 x 166 pix - 5k]

Hans-Göran Lindberg
120-mm refractor f=2000mm
Mintron MS-168EP
MW-1 filter
[Left: original image; Right: processed to better see the full extent of the crescent]
June 5, 2004, 06:30 UT
Kärrbo Observatory
Skultuna, Sweden
More images at this site

Venus' Approaching the 'Ring' Shape

Venus' Approaching the "Ring" Shape

[128 x 128 pix - 2k]

Timo-Pekka Metsälä
102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain f/13
ATK-2HS camera
Composite of 700 frames
[Venus only 5° from the Sun]
June 5, 2004, 10:28 UT
Espoo, Finland



[745 x 548 pix - 344k]

Frederick N. Ley and Iakovos N. Stellas
60-mm Coronado Max telescope
Sony Cybershot digital camera
June 3, 2004, 10:57 UT
Athens, Greece

Venus Occultation

Venus Occultation

[737 x 384 pix - 167k]

Carlo and Alessandro Cuman
AP 155mm refractor f/7
TouCam Pro II
Composite of 10 frames
May 21, 2004
Lonigo, Italy

Venus' Approaching the 'Ring' Shape

Venus' Approaching the "Ring" Shape

[640 x 512 pix - 24k]

Pic du Midi Observatory
50 cm refractor - Coupole Tourelle
[Venus only 3° from the Sun!]
June 6, 2004, 06:22 UT
Pic du Midi, France
More images at this site

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last modified: 2004/12/29
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