The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004 Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

The Venus Transit 2004

... the Photos of the Day!

During the period from April 17 to August 8, 2004, more than 100 photos were elected "VT-2004 Photo of the Day". Ranging from high-tech achievements and impressive artistic expressions to quick shots with inexpensive equipment and including a great variety of - sometimes unexpected - motives, they represent many different aspects of the unique Venus Transit Event.

The photos were obtained by photographers in many different countries. The VT-2004 organisers congratulate all of them to have their images included into this rare collection! More information is available about each of these photos on the respective pages of the VT-2004 Photo Archive (click on "Text").


last modified: 2004/08/09
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