The first meeting of potential members of our team together with the headmistress of our school took place 15 th March. We found out that there were enough those who were interested that we could successfully organise the whole project. At first, our teacher Mr Kocourek explained the essence of the Venus transit in front of the sun. Then, he projected an animation of what we would see 8 th June (if the weather was good). We formed three work groups and appointed students responsible for coordination of the work of all groups.
Basic information about the project:
The goal was to observe and describe an astronomical phenomenon, Venus transit in front of the sun. Because of the inclination of 3.4° of the orbit of Venus around the sun to the orbit of Earth, this phenomenon is not anything usual. It is repeated every 121,5, 8, 105,5, 8 years. This cycle is repeated every 243 years.
The show started for us at 7:20 on 8.6.2004, a complete disc of Venus appeared in front of the sun already at 7:39 . We could say goodbye to it on the lower right hand side corner at 13:12 .
The place for observation was settled in front of our school in a small park and we managed to assembly all necessary equipment. We used a projection method and passers by were also provided by special filters for observing the phenomenon by their own eyes.
Basic information about our school:
As it is clear from the name of our school, our gymnasium is in Celakovice, which inhabitants form the majority of students in our school. On top of them we have many students from Prague and other surrounding villages. If you wish to contact us, you can find more information on...