Gymnázium Čelákovice
is a modern secondary school with a ten years tradition. In Celakovice, not far from Prague, you can study on a four year or eight program.The school tries to motivate the students to an independent and responsible attitude to life. Students have a great possibility of choice of subjects they want to study. They can choose from a wide variety of seminars (modern languages, Latin, Geometry, Anglo-American literature in English, Drama, Creative writing, Photography, etc.)
Gymnázium Čelákovice,
J. A. Komenského 414,
250 88 Čelákovice
A school with a legal status, allowance organisation founded by the local government of our area.
• secretary: +420 326 929 011,
• headmistress: +420 326 929 012,
• vice headmaster: +420 326 929 013,
• accountant: +420 326 998 211,
• fax: 326 994 887
• e-mail:
• web:
• general gymnasium
• 4 year cycle: KKOV 7941K401, 8 year cycle: KKOV 7941K801