About us :
Střední průmyslová škola - Technikum Przemysłowe
Karviná - Hranice, Žižkova 1818, 733 01, Czech republic
596 348 161-3, 596 311 866
Results our observation 12.10.2004
Ours first schedules (21. 3. 2004)
Download ofline (zip 17,5 Mb)
The place of observation :
The originally planned place near the Štěrba restaurant was changed for Božena Němcová castle park (because of better observing conditions).
Our fittings :
Newton Bresser 114/500, Solar filter (on the pic. left)
Refraktor 80/1250 - amatrsky zhotovený dalekohled (pic. right)
Trieder 8/50
camera: Olympus C - 4000 zoom, Sony DSC P71, notebok
Facts about the observerts :
Foto info
top, right: Petra Svobodová, Jan Kondziolka,
Václav Bortlík, David Purgat a Lukáš Václavík.
bottom right: Pavla Brodová, Ivana Večeřová a Robert Adámek.
( Dr. Alois Halouzka can´t come )
Jan Kondziolka
- a student, photographs with Olympus C - 4000 zoom, and Zenit TTL, telescope Newton, notebook, calibration and cleaning of the apparatus, webtext, own presentation of the results on IAN
www.ian.cz and on www.xichty.cz,
an active observer and photographer, experience from the Sun and Moon eclipses, Mercury transit, observing of comets and deep sky objests, a member of SETI at home.
Petra Svobodová - a student searching of coordinates, assistance at Newton, morning substitute at C - 4000, experience from the Sun and Moon eclipses, observing meteorites, a member of SETI at home.
Václav Bortlík - a student, foto with camera Sony DSC P71. I was born on 16th June in Bohumín. My hobbies are computer, astrophysic and elektronics.
David Purgat - a student, videa camera Samsung VA-20, I was born on 31st March in Karviná. My hobbies are playing the electric quitar, ice hokey and floorball, computer, music and astrophysic.
Lukaš Václavík - a student, video, asistent. I was born on 24th April 1986 in Karviná. My hobbies are music, cars, films, literature, painting, sport and physic.
Pavla Brodová - a student, , metering time stamp, asistent. I was born on 23rd April in Karviná. My hobbies are computer games, animals, muzic, dance and ceramics.
Ivana Večeřová - a student, metering time stamp, asistent. I was born on 29th April in Karviná. My hobbies are animals, muzic, physic, computer.
RNDr. Alois Halouzska - teacher.
Mgr. Robert Adámek - teacher.
The course of the observation :
We woke up at about five o'clock. The morning was somewhat cloudy, technically speaking - 50% cloudiness. At six o'clock the most of our team met in front of the school where we loaded up ourselves, the tolescope and diffusers of light. On the way we colled round for Honza, who had the rest of the equipment. Mr Halouzka and Petra arrived right at the observing place. After the arriving the sky covered with clouds - 90% cloudiness. We also found out that the idea to put on sandals was rather stupid - none of us took dew into account.
We were quite successful in loadng down and putting together the equipment, only the cap oof the objective was stuck :-( .There was nothing to do but to wait. We were waiting even during the first contact. (About three minutes before the second contact the sky cliared up but unfortunately only for a moment. And so we were waiting during the second contact too. About half an hour later the sky cleared up (0% cloudiness). We started to film and také photos, which took us about an hour. Then we had a break.
We were interrupted by a group of children from the local eye kindergarten walking past our place. And we became popularizers. But!!! Try to explain to a gang of young kids what the white spot with a black dot is!And so our teacher Mr Adámek took the floou
and he did it thoroughly. "Children, do you know any planets? " "Me, me, Ostrava." That was not the right way. But a skilled teacher did not give up. He started to explain what actually the big apparatus was and that it projected the sun shining above andthat there are stars in the sky and around the largest of them there are planets. From time to time some of the planets come near the sun and we can see it as that tinyf dot. The choldren seemed not only to undersand it on the whole but even to find it interesting.
Only the woman teachers were not delighted. They said that the children would not draw suns with a smile any more but suns with a dot. And how chould they explain it to they parents?!
Another interesting veset was a group of fout merry students of the local Silesian University. They amused us saying: "You should have told us, we would have scattered the clouds for you."The greatest fun was when they began to quarrel abou the only welding glass but they solved it wisely.
But it was not the end of the fun yet. In an unguarded moment girls put a 300 Kc parking ticket under Mr Adámek's windscreen wiper. The ticket was for a motorcycle and the date was also different but Mr Adámek "swallowed the hook".
That was the end of all the fun because the time of the third contact approached. The cloudiness increased to 80%. Five minutes before the third contact the clouds covered the Sun and we were again disappointed. But that time a fortune smiled on us. A minute before the contact a hollow in the clouds appeared and we were able to meassure. We were lucky at the moment of the fourth contact too and we could meassure again. After that we had no choice but to pack up, and leave for home.
( see Foto info )
The results of the observation :
Observation place Darkov : latitude: 49,833° longitude: 18,567°
I-st. contact |
II-end. contact |
Maximum |
III-th. contact |
IV-th. contact |
clouds |
clouds |
10:22:05 |
13:03:20 |
13:22:42 |
- The timing of the contacts differed in nine seconds from the forecast for 30 km distant Ostrava. It was pobably caused on the one hand by the effort to avoid deceit and on the other hand not to make meassuring impossible.
- In comparison to our ideas and experience from the Mercury transit we were surprised how precisely we could detect the moments of the contacts. At the third contact there was a defference of 4 seconds, at the second contact we agreed.
- We observed the Mercury transit from the school asphalt playground, now it was from a lawn with trees - the difference in the quality was huge.
- We learnt out that the telescope Newton was quite unsuitable. In the morning its resolution could be compared with "the lens" but due to warming the picture became more and more out of focus. The white cloth, we wrapped the telescope in, was no use.The only advantage is its larger angle of vision which makes it more suitable for direct photographing and filming. And, of course, we must not forget its half weight and simplier handling.
- We did not see the promised Venus atmosphere. We explain it byf the fact that the observing conditions affected by passing clouds were not optimal. We did not see the black drop effect either. We do not understand it because the effect should be brighter than the weak atmosphere.
Fotogalery :
Video :
Our video sequence ( DivX avi, 13,8 Mb )
Some interesting facts about Venus :
- Earth twin, runs around the Sun as the second panet
- The nearest and the brightest planet for a terrestrial
- The brightest objects in the sky (after the Sun and the Moon)
- Venus transit occurs once every 122 years
- In 1761 V. Lomonosov noticed a light ring around a dark disc of the planet - he discovered the atmosphere of the planet
- The main components of the Venus atmosphere are CO2 at pressure 9,4 Mpa and high timperature - 480°C