Jindřich Libovický (16 years old, student of Gymnázium Kladno) applying for the competition, taking photographs E-mail: jlibovicky@seznam.cz |
Jan Marek (16 years old, student of Gymnázium Kladno) webmaster, taking photographs E-mail: jmarek@centrum.cz |
Rudolf Rosa (16 years old, student of Gymnázium Kladno) translation into English E-mail: rur@seznam.cz |
Roman Hájek (16 years old, student of Gymnázium Kladno) texts, taking photographs E-mail: romanhajek@centrum.cz |
RNDr. Ivo Panáček for lending the telescope.
KSVI MFF UK (Cabinet Of Software And Computer Studies Of The Mathematical And Physical Faculty Of The Charles's University) for lending the tripod, the GPS device and the digital camera Canon 300D.
1. Církevní základní škola Kladno (1st Church School In Kladno) for providing the background and the mats.
Domov mládeže SOŠ, SOU a U Kladno (The Hall Of Residence Of The Secondary Specialized School, Secondary Specialized Educational Establishment And Educational Establishment In Kladno) for permission of admission to the playground.
RNDr. Jana Rindtová for lending the music rack.
Mgr. Lucie Pelikánová and Mgr. Věra Scheirichová for expert advice.