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Venus - in order of distance from Sun is secund planet - is almost as big as Earth and has more than 80% of Earth weight. It has the densest atmosphere, about big thickness and to many layers of dullness, which makes absolutely impossible to us to observe its surface from far. Its siderite circulating track around sun is 224.7 days. Until we had not available data from forceful radars and from space probes we didn`t know anything about rotating period of Venus. From Earth we can see only the top layer of clouds.



For simple human eyes Venus is gorgeous object. It si clearer than others planets with the exception of moons and Sun. Maybe that's why this planet was called after the goddess of beauty. When we view Venus by binocular we will be most probably disillusion and it is no wonder that until first probes, which was put to the space, we often talked about Venus like about mysterious planet. Nevertheless in 1930 some useful information were noted by method of observation from Earth. That time scientists find out that the atmosphere of Venus is created mainly by carbon dioxide, which function like cover sustaining solar warm on planet = the greenhouse effect. On these sasis scientists could deduce two possibly shapes of the surface of Venus. If on Venus` surface would find big water quantity, there would be possible primitive life as in precocious phase of evolution of our Earth. According to second version Venus was scorch, dry and dusty desert without life.



The cosmic research work of Venus begun in year 1962 when the American probe - Mariner 2 - scamper around Venus and send out data, which confirm that the surface of Venus is particularly hot. That time it turned out that twirling of planet around its rotating axe is slow and lasts whole 243 days so longer than how much amounts the circulating period of Venus ( see introduction ). Venus rotates from east to west, in the other way than other planets. It means a watcher on the surface of Venus would saw Sun - which go out in the west and sink in the east. After Marinera 2 next successful advences of Soviet Union - for looking into atmospheres of Venus by probes named Venera - follow. These advances culminate in successful landing Venera 7 on surface of Venus. High temperature on the surface of planet ( 475°C ) and the pressure approximately 90 times higher than on the surface of Earth were definitely certified mail. Later USA sent out the probe Mariner 10 which in February 1974 scamper around Venus and gained the first photos outer layers of the atmosphere. Mariner 10 flew through in the surrounding of Venus only once because his main purpose was Mercury. Nevertheless the photos of Venus - reflect very clearly the belt textures its heavy cloud - signified big scientific contribution. These photos together confirm that the tops of the clouds make a circuit of planet in just a four days. It means that the structure of the Venus` atmosphere isn`t same as structure of the Earth`s atmosphere. Thanks to American radars the scietists evidence that the surface of Venus is overlaying by bigs shallow craters. Their origin isn't known but rather it is geologically younger shapes, because in a very dense atmospheres there is giving out very fast erosion of all surface textures. These textures may be show of vulcano of Venus, but they can be caused by falling of bigger solid on the surface of planet. In addition scietists found out that the clouds contain considerable quantity of droplets of acids sulphuric. It leads to extremely corroding rain. So Venus is really very unhospitable world.



Next big date in cognition of planet became in October 1975 when two Soviet probes (Venera 9 and 10) realize the controlled soft landing on the planet and sent out many photos from here. These photos was caught up by the circulating moduli of both probes and than they were puveyed to Earth. It was real triumph of Soviet scientists and technicists, even though probes after in hour of staying on surface of planet stopped radio. In panoramic view from surroundings of probes show that there were cluttered up with rounded stones. Many of them have had diameter 1 m. In defiance of prognoses there was enough lights everywhere, so that probes didn't have to use headlight. The conception of forceful refraction in atmosphere of Venus wasn`t unconfirmed because all details from photos were displayed absolutely clearly. The scientists found out that the lower limit of cloud ends in height roughly 30 km above the surface.