The Team
  Information about students

    Welcome here. This is the place where you'll find some information about students themselves.

Richard Salac (kvinta)
Age: 16 years old
Function in team: Project leader
Job: Organization of the team, observational device, management of other members' job

Miroslav Jiranek (3rd year)
Age: 18 years old
Function in team: Physicist
Job: Recording technologies and devices (cameras).

Stepan Ruzicka (3rd year)
Age: 18 years old
Function in team: Web
Job: Webmaster. The one who made everything you're looking at (web sites).

Jakub Jambor (kvinta)
Age: 16 years old
Function in team: linguist
Job: Translation into English. The one who made texts you're reading now.

2004 Designed by Melcolm