...we hope you'll enjoy them, even if you didn't come here on purpose. This web is focused on 8th June 2004, specifically to the Venus Transit.
It's been about three months since we had been noticed in our physics lesson that there is a competition organized by British consulate. We've been told that the project for competitors is to make a web site focused on the Venus Transit. This competition was made as a part of all-European Venus Transit 2004 project, organized by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in co-operation with the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE), Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (IMCCE), Paris observatory (Observatoire de Paris) and the Astronomical Institute - Academy of Science of the czech Republic. European Commission supports whole project as a part of the European Week of Science.
Objective of Project Venus Transit 2004 is to give a chance to students to try the methods of astronomical observation of Solar system in practice. Venus Transit is interesting not only because the phenomenon is so scarce, but also because of using four contact times astronomers are able to find the distance between the Sun and Earth. This method (star is shaded by planet, which is then visible) is still used for finding new planets.
Web is organized with a help of simple menu in the upper part of this page. Sections History, Epilogue: 2004, Observation strategy, Team, Photo gallery will inform you about our work. If you have any questions, please ask us and we'll try to answer you as soon as possible. Don't hesitate and use the contact e-mail address.
The work was made by four students (all from Grammar School Lovosice, two from the fifth year (called kvinta), which is equivalent to the first year of High School, and two students from the class 3A (the third year). Our main goal was not to win the competition. We wanted to try out the work of real astronomers and prove that we're able to work precisely and in the team. It wasn't been an easy job, but we managed it. We hope you'll enjoy this page and you won't regret few minutes you gave to reading this text.
Sincerely yours,
Richard Salac
Leader of Grammar School Lovosice Team