Earthlings have always been fascinated by the two closest space neighbours - Mars and Venus.

2004 year has brought two important events - discovery of water on Mars and Venus Transit. Water on Mars was found by two rovers Spirit and Opportunity that were given their names by American students. A lot of European students took part then in the Venus Transit observation.

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About project

Our group

Our group

About school

Gymnazium (grammar school) in Kadan is a school with a long-time tradition. In 2003 we celebrated the 200th anniversary of its existence in our small North-Bohemian town.

Besides instruction it educates the students also to respect other people, to value their knowledge and to establish themselves well in society. One of the greatest benefits for the students is the opportunity to join many projects in the field of foreign languages, ecology or social sciences. The school has long-term co-operation programs with partner schools in Germany and Norway. We go to other countries for cultural exchange tours as well.

The students learn and work in high-standard equipped classrooms. The school has chemistry and physics laboratories, special classrooms for the other subjects, three computer technology rooms, foreign language classrooms with modern audio-visual facilities, two gymnasiums, a conditioning gym, and a great hall.

On Monday 21th June a Czech Jesuit Rev Pavel GABOR, OFM Conv, a newly appointed papal astronomer from the Vatican observatory at Castel Gandolfo is holding a lecture on Jesuits and their attitude to science in our Gymnazium.

Observation organisation

We learnt about the possibility to take part in a co-ordinated observation of Venus-Transit thanks to our teacher Jan Losenický who provided us with the information from the radio programme Meteor.

our group by observation

He first addressed Jan Lenčo who might be interested in the topic as well as making the web page. Then he made a survey in several classes of the grammar school and a group of students was formed in a few days and started to prepare for the observation. The group consisted of Jan Lenčo, Jaroslav Nováček, Stanislav Futera, Jan Bachorík, Jakub Jírovec a Dominik Remeš. Standa and Jan B. provided for the technical equipment so that we could use both the observation methods - by projection and with a filter. It was determined that the place of observation would be one of the outlooks in the Doupov Mountains.

Observation by projection with the school telescope was also proposed for the grammar school students and for public in the school yard.

On Tuesday 8th June at 6:45 we all met in front of the school building and set off towards a defunct village of Zvonickov (Männelsdorf) driving a car and riding a motorcycle and two bicycles. The first group installed the telescopes in a few minutes midway between Uhostany and Kojetin villages. After overwhelming the tough elevation the cycling group reached the point in time and we could start with observation and measurement. Thanks to the beautiful landscape of the Doupov Mountains we could enjoy the feeling of open-air observation certainly similar to that experienced for instance by Isaac Newton watching the Moon in the apple tree orchard or by Arabian astronomers on the slopes of the North Iranian mountains.

our group by observation

For a lot of us it was the first touch with practical amateur astronomy that can be useful even for scientific research (and not many people know; prof. Losenicky told us about his student-age observation of periodic stars in Gymnazium Louny Observatory).

We recorded the measured times carefully and the time between the most important observation points we spent for example on computing the latitude and longitude of the place we were on using the geodetic points in the surroundings, the map and compass. It seemed that the end of our observation would fail because the sky started to by covered with single but large clouds but we were lucky. The Sun chose its way through them so that we could record all the four values. We sent these values together with the coordinates to the database of the European South Observatory which co-ordinated the Venus-Transit project.

Jan Bachorík

Conception: July 1985, Taurus

Favourite planet: Neptun
Favourite constellation: Cassiopeia
Duty in the Group: photographer, observer
Hobbies: florball, music, friends

Stanislav Futera

Conception: December 1985, Leo

Favourite planet: Saturn
Favourite constellation: Big Digger
Duty in the Group: observer, technitian
Hobbies: basketball, music, climbing

Jakub Jírovec

Conception: May 1985, Aquarius

Favourite planet: Earth
Favourite constellation: Leo
Duty in the Group: observer
Hobbies: sport

Jan Lenčo

Conception: June 1987, Pisces

Favourite planet: Saturn
Favourite constellation: Orion
Duty in the Group: webmaster
Hobbies: sport, music, creating www

Jan Losenický

Conception: March 1973, Sagittarius

Favourite planet: Jupiter
Favourite constellation: Delphinus
Duty in the Group: exciter
Hobbies: theatre, poetry

Jára Nováček

Conception: January 1986, Libra

Favourite planet: Neptun
Favourite constellation: Orion
Duty in the Group: photographer
Hobbies: climbing, hiking, swimming, Spanish, English

Dominik Remeš

Conception: August 1985, Taurus

Favourite planet: Earth
Duty in the Group: geodesist
Hobbies: snowboard, music, nature

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