Public Observation of the Venus 2004 Transit in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic) |
Experience with demonstration of the Sun ...
(& instruments to be used for VT 2004 observation)
- refractor D = 200 mm; f = 3500 mm (eyepiece projection)
- demonstration of photosphere on the screen
- photography of projected Sun using Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z digital camera
- recording of the projected image by SONY DCR-TRV75E digital camcorder with transmission to internet (dream)
- coronograph D = 105 mm; f = 2000 mm
(CCTV videocamera; image corrector - contrast enhancement)
- demonstration of solar prominences on the monitor
- recording of the image on VCR S-VHS
- digitalisation of the individual images from the recorded video
- Maksutov-Cassegrain D = 150 mm; f = 2250 mm
- photography in primary focus with Baader Astro Solar filter; Canon EOS 300 D digital camera
- other instruments
- refractor D = 90 mm; f = 1300 mm (projection)
- Cassegrain D = 150 mm; f = 2250 mm (projection)
- large binoculars 25×100 with built-in filter
03/10/28 10:13 UT |
03/10/28 10:14 UT |
03/10/28 10:14 UT |
03/10/28 10:16 UT |
2002/09/09 |
04/04/27 08:02 UT |
04/04/27 09:03 UT |
04/04/27 12:05/12:07 UT |
Advisory service & co-operation with teachers

- regular performances in planetarium
- postcard with VT 2004 scheme for Czech Republic
- welding filters no. 14 (glass in the envelope)
- welding filters as sunglasses nos. 14 and 15
- posters
- info-sheet for teachers sent to over 1000 schools in the region of eastern Bohemia
- detailed information and advisory (printed) for teachers
- website venuse.astrohk.cz (english)
Jan Vesely
6. IV. 2004