The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004 Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

The Venus Transit 2004

... Photos by Themes

Venus in the Sky

During the spring months of 2004, Venus was visible in the evening sky as a very bright object, above the western horizon. Many spectacular photos were obtained, some carefully composed with selected foreground objects and providing impressive views.

Most of this time, Venus was located near planets Mars and Saturn in the sky and once a month the Moon also passed by. Some photos therefore also show Venus together with one or more of these objects.

On this page, some of these photos are displayed. An overview of the VT-2004 Photo Archive is available and a number of these photos have been elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day".

All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.

Venus in the Evening Sky

Venus in the Evening Sky

[1417 x 1063 pix - 800k]

Peter Stättmayer
Canon A80
April 1, 2004
Herrsching near Munich, Germany

Venus Meets the Moon

Venus Meets the Moon

[1600 x 1200 pix - 397k]

Attila Mizser
Nikon Coolpix 4300
ISO 400; 1/4 sec; f/2.8
[Seen above the Chain Bridge; Mars is faintly visible to the left of the Moon]
April 23, 2004, in the evening
Budapest, Hungary

Venus and the Moon above Sydney

Venus and the Moon above Sydney

[978 x 665 pix - 492k]

Laszlo Kiss
Canon Powershot A70
50 ASA
[Above the Sydney Opera House]
April 24, 2004, ~8:15 UT
Sydney, Australia

Venus and the Monument

Venus and the Monument

[600 x 403 pix - 46k]

Pencho Markishky
Konica VX400
Flektogon f/2.4; f=35; 7 sec
[Above the Memorial Complex]
17 October 1999, 03:15 UT
Shumen, Bulgaria
More images at this site

Venus and the Mooon above the Khephren Pyramid

Venus and the Moon above the Khephren Pyramid

[800 x 579 pix - 100 k]

Aymen Ibrahim
Biblioteca Alexandrina
Practica 35 mm camera with Zenith 2.8/37 mm objective
Fujicolor 400; 1/2 sec
May 14, 2002
Plateau of Giza, Egypt

Créac'h and Venus

Créac'h and Venus

[1024 x 768 pix - 320k]

Laurent Laveder
Zuiko 16 mm 1:3.5 objective
Sensia 200; 20 sec
["Two Lighthouses in the Night"]
February 7, 2004
Ouessant Island, France
More images at this site

Venus above S.M. di Leuca

Venus above S.M. di Leuca

[100 x 974 pix - 672k]

Domenico Licchelli
Canon A80; f/2.8; 1/30 sec
More images at this site
May 9, 2004
S.M. di Leuca, Italy

Venus and the Moon

Venus and the Moon

[732 x 489 pix - 70k]

Jean-Marie Maillard
More images at this site
March 24, 2004
Liège, Belgium

Three Planets and the Obelisk

Three Planets and the Obelisk

[1000 x 750 pix - 335k]

Albert White
Irish Astronomical Society
Canon G3; f/2; 10 sec; ISO 50
[Venus, Saturn and Mars above the Obelisk on Killaney Hill]
Co. Dublin, Ireland

Three Planets and the Moon

Three Planets and the Moon

[750 x 1000 pix - 604k]
[1704 x 2272 pix - 794k]
[With names - 750 x 1000 pix - 616k]
[With names - 1704 x 2272 pix - 815k]

Francoise Delplancke
Amateur Group for Astronomy Projects at ESO (AGAPE)
Canon G2 with zoom
April 22, 2004, 20:00 UT
Garching, Germany
More images at this site

Venus and the Moon

Venus and the Moon

[512 x 384 pix - 36k]

Ilyan Darganov
Nikon Coolpix 995
May 21, 2004
Varna, Bulgaria
More images at this site

Venus and the Moon above Varna

Venus and the Moon above Varna

[700 x 566 pix - 952k]

Valerii V. Poshtarov
Samsung Digimax 330
May 21, 2004
Varna, Bulgaria

Venus, the Moon and the Telescope

Venus, the Moon and the Telescope

[672 x 1017 pix - 350k]

Domenico Licchelli
Osservatorio del Fiorini
Canon A80; f/2.8
1/15 sec
May 20, 2004, 18:48 UT
Lecce, Italy

Three Planets and the Observatory

Three Planets and the Observatory

[1728 x 1296 pix - 117k]

Ottó Méhes
Queen's Observatory
Kodak DX6490 Digicamera; 5x zoom
Exposure 16 sec
[Venus, Mars and Saturn; the wire indicates the Ecliptic]
May 17, 2004, 01:30 UT
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Venus' Crescent

Venus' Crescent

[438 x 508 pix - 67k]

Michael Zimmermann
[AAW Darmstadt]
70mm Televue Pronto refractor
Nikon Coolpix digital camera
May 25, 2004
Darmstadt, Germany

Venus and the Moon

Venus and the Moon

[1028 x 1544 pix - 140k]

Jacky Francoise
Canon 10D with 105mm objective at f/5.6
Exposure: 0.7 sec
May 20, 2004, 16:17 UT
Saint-Paul, Ile de Réunion, France
More images at this site

Venus and the Moon above Paranal

Venus and the Moon above Paranal

[1200 x 900 pix - 473k]

[2592 x 1944 pix - 1.8M]

Gerhard Hüdepohl
[ESO Paranal Observatory]
Nikon Coolpix 5400
Exposure: 2 sec
[Seen above the domes of the four 8.2-m VLT telescopes]
May 21, 2004
Paranal, Atacama Desert, Chile
More images at this site

Venus and Orion Rising

Venus and Orion Rising

[1544 x 1024 pix - 190k]

Aymen Ibrahem
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Practica with Zenith 2.8/37mm
Fujicolor 400; 10 min
[Red Sea Mountains in the foreground]
August 16, 2004

Plateau of Om Nofea, Hurghada, Egypt

[VT-2004 Photo Archive Top Page]


last modified: 2004/12/29
© ESO Education & Public Relations Department
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany