Welcome to our web site about a unique event, which occurred on 8th June 2004. It was the transit of Venus over the Sun disc. This event comes in cycles of 122 years, so nobody living on our planet have seen it. The upcoming one will occur in 2012, but it can't be seen in Europe.
On this web site we have some photos and some texts about our observation of this event. Our school,
Jiráskovo Gymnázium in Náchod, wanted to show this event to as many people as possible. And they came, it was over 500 people who saw it.
These pages were made by Petr Polák and Karel Jára, students of Kvarta A, eight-year studies. The web-source was written in 'notepad' and all graphics were made in 'Adobe Photoshop'. All photos on these pages were taken by our school digital camera 'Olympus C-350'.
If you have any questions or suggestions, write to us.
Well seen Sun-spots | Everybody can see the Venus |