There was the interesting astronomic phenomenon on 8th of June 2004. The planet Venus on it's journey through the Space came exactly to the join of the Earth and the Sun. This phenomenon could be observed on the big part of Earth as a Venus transit through the Sun.
This phenomenon has been waiting for more than one hundred years. These observations were very important in the past. Thanks to them people could calculate the distance between the Earth and the Sun in the period of Sun's discovering. Today we know more exactly methods for measuring this distance but still this phenomenon attracts many people.
The signicant science institutions decided to realize the Europan project calls Venus Transit 2004 for the entusiasts. This project had to explained the types of sience discovering the world for students of the secondary schools and connect them into the international cooperation.
On this main project continued many other projects. One of them is the competition of Brithis Council in making the best internet webs about Venus transit.
The studenst of the Comenius secondary school in Havíøov
are observing the Venus Transit.